Builders Film
A Builders film is a durable, multipurpose plastic sheeting material that is widely used in the construction industry. It is typically composed of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and is offered in a variety of thicknesses, ranging from 50 microns to 300 microns. Grano Direct also offers clear builders' films, which are made from virgin polymers. In addition to controlling moisture, preventing temporary weather conditions, and controlling dust, builders' films can be used for a variety of purposes.
Builders film or Slab Underlay is commonly used to control moisture in buildings. As a moisture barrier, builders' film is commonly used to line concrete slabs, walls, and roofs. Additionally, it can be used to cover excavation sites and prevent water from seeping into the soil. It is also useful for creating a barrier between the concrete and the soil so that moisture does not penetrate into the concrete and cause damage to it.
Construction projects also benefit from the use of builders' film to provide temporary weather protection. You can use it to cover the entire site or a specific area
By laying the film over the surface and taping it into place, Builders Film can also serve as a protective covering for floors and carpets during construction.
A significant use of Builders film is the containment of dust. As part of renovation projects, it is commonly used to contain dust and debris.