Mapei Mapegrout SV

  • Mapei Mapegrout SV

Quick-setting and hardening, compensated-shrinkage hi-flow mortar for repairing concrete and fixing drains, manholes and urban architectural fittings in place.

25 kg bags

Available Options

Quick-setting and hardening, compensated-shrinkage hi-flow mortar for repairing concrete and fixing drains, manholes and urban architectural fittings in place.

Where to Use

  • Repairing concrete structures that require the use of free-flowing mortar, including at low temperatures.
  • Repairing industrial floors, roads and runways that need to be put back into service quickly.
  • Fixing manholes and manhole covers quickly in place.

Some application examples

  • Repairing concrete floors in industrial environments, shopping centres and warehouses.
  • Repairing concrete floor slabs.
  • Repairing the ends of floor slabs.
  • Repairing concrete road surfaces in airports.
  • Repairing pavements.
  • Fixing street furniture, manhole covers and manholes in place.

Technical Characteristics

Mapegrout SV is a one-component, ready-mixed powdered mortar made from special hydraulic binders, highstrength cement, synthetic polyacrylonitrile fibres, selected aggregates and special additives according to a formula developed in MAPEI research laboratories. Thanks to its special composition, this product develops very high mechanical properties after short curing periods, even if applied at temperatures down to -5°C.

When Mapegrout SV is mixed with water it has a fluid consistency, which makes it suitable for casting into sealed formwork in layers up to 5 cm thick without segregation risk.

For thicknesses over 5 cm, Mapegrout SV must be added up to 35% of Gravel 6-10 on the weight of the mixture (for example: for 100 kg of mixture 65 kg of Mapegrout SV + 35 kg of Gravel 6-10).

Thanks to its rapid hardening properties, the mortar sets to foot traffic and may be used by wheeled vehicles just a few hours after application at +20°C.

Mapegrout SV complies with the principles defined in EN 1504-9 (“Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures: definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity.

General principles for use of products and systems”), and the minimum requirements of EN 1504-3 (“Structural and non-structural repairs”) for R4-class structural mortars.

Technical Data

Maximum dimension of aggregate 2.5 mm.
Pot life of mix: 15 minutes (at +20°C).
Minimum applicable thickness: 1 cm.
Maximum applicable thickness: 5 cm per layer.
Classification: EN 1504-3 - class R4 structural mortar.
Storage: 12 months.
Colour: grey and black.
Application: pouring into formwork.
Consumption: 20 kg/m² per cm of thickness.
Packaging: 25 kg vacuum-packed polyethylene bags.

Application Procedure

Technical Information for Product Preparation
Mix composition: 100 kg Mapegrout SV 12-13 kg of water
Thickness applied: up to 50 mm
(See section "Application of mortar" for greater thicknesses)
Application temperature: Surrounding temperature from +5°C to +35°C
  +5°C +10°C +20°C
Pot life of mix: 60 min. 20 min. 10 min.
End of setting: 100 min. 60 min. 35 min.

Preparation of the substrate

  • Remove all deteriorated, detaching or contaminated concrete until a rough, sound and resistant substrate is obtained. Remove any previous repair work or coating if not perfectly adhering to the substrate, using suitable tools (mechanical demolishing, hydroscarifying etc.).
  • Clean concrete from previous scarifying works and clean reinforcing rods from dust, cement laitance, rust, grease, oil, paint and other contaminants through sandblasting and high-pressure water jets.
  • After preparation, the concrete surface to be repaired must be rough, with irregularities at least 5 mm deep and inert fraction exposed to allow correct adhesion of the mortar to the substrate.
  • Eliminate traces of paint, oil, powder and any other material which may impede the adhesion of Mapegrout SV to the substrate.
  • Treat any exposed rebar with Mapefer or Mapefer 1K ZERO according to the procedure illustrated in the relative Technical Data Sheet for each product.
  • Wait until Mapefer or Mapefer 1K ZERO has dried.
  • Saturate the substrate with water.
  • Before casting, wait until the excess water has evaporated. If necessary, this phase may be speeded up by using compressed air.

Preparation of the mortar

Pour 12-13% of water (3.0-3.25 litres for each 25 kg bag), according to the consistency required, into a cement mixer. Slowly add Mapegrout SV and mix for 1-2 minutes.

Remove all traces of powder not perfectly blended from the inside surface of the mixer and continue mixing for 2-3 minutes to form an even mix. A mortar mixer or low speed drill with a mixing attachment may also be used, depending on the amount of mortar required. Avoid entraining too much air while mixing.

If the areas to be integrated are thicker than 5 cm, add Gravel 6-10 to Mapegrout SV up to 35% by weight of the mix, and complete the mixing until the mix is homogenised.

Instructions for the preparation of mortar for Lab testing samples can be found in the TECHNICAL DATA section.

Applying the mortar

Pour Mapegrout SV into the area prepared as specified and finish off the surface immediately with a trowel; a vibrating-needle is not required to spread the mortar. If the product is used to fix manholes or manhole covers in place, and the area around the repair needs to be re-asphalted, it is recommended to form a layer at least 3 cm thick in that area to allow the layer of bitumen to bond firmly and to withstand the weight of vehicles without subsiding.

The mortar maintains its workability for around 10 minutes from when the mixing water is added at +20°C.

Tech Data Sheet
Tech Datasheet
Safety Data Sheet
Safety Datasheet

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